I just got off my weekly live stream with my Crony Community on Old Nerd Reviews on YouTube and Twitch. Tonight was very special because I did a fan box un-boxing and boy was it ever cool! My live streaming on Twitch and YouTube just got taken to a whole new level!
If you missed the live chat which I do every Monday at 5 PM, Pacific, you can catch the replay here. If not, you know exactly what I am going on about! A dear user who goes by the name thatgadgetgirl sent me the Elgatro Stream Deck!
In a nutshell, the Elgato Stream Deck allows me to control every detail of my streams, social media, hardware functionality, and gaming at the touch of a button. And it's all totally configurable!
Thanks so much again, thatgadgetgirl! You've made this Old Nerd's year!
Follow me on Twitch for all the fun live streams and over on YouTube.