As you have probably noticed by now, the regularity and frequency of my Old Nerd Reviews content here or on any of my social networks has diminished. The reason being, after a 6-year hiatus from the 9-to-5 world, I've take a full-time job outside the house.

The great thing about it all is that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my new job!! I never thought that could be possible for anything in the outside world, but it's so true. I am an employee at a toy shop here is Vancouver, WA called Toy Box Heroz. It's a nice little place (for now!) that deals in collectible and vintage toys from our youths. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, GI Joe, Transformers, comic books, Star Wars toys and action figures, Star Trek toys and action figures, board games, video games, puzzles, and a lot more. From NECA figures to McFarlane figures and beyond, we carry a little and sometimes a lot of everything we all loved as kids.
Being that as it is, I've turned Old Nerd Reviews content from a career into a hobby and, surprising to me, I'm the happiest I've been in many years. As cool as creating content for Old Nerd Reviews was, it was also stressful as I always had to be "on," either creating content or marketing content. I didn't know what a day off was. Working for Toy Box Heroz, that is no longer the case. When I have my days off, they are actually days off. And when I have to go back to work, I look forward to it with a passion. How cool is it to be surrounded and working with toys all day long and getting paid for it? Right??

Don't worry though. I'll still be around on all the social networks, just not as often or frequently. If you're local to the Vancouver, WA area, I'd love to have you stop in to Toy Box Heroz and say hi. Vengeance called me there recently! The address is 1307 NE 78th St, Vancouver, WA. 98665. The main place we presently hang our hat is on Facebook, so come on over, LIKE the page, and see what's happening in the shop.
Hope to see you both on and offline! Talk soon! ;)