There's a time for work and a time for play. I spend so much of my time behind the computer and in front of the camera, I rarely take a breath and get out for a day of rest and relaxation. Not that I don't want to, but when you are running your own business, every minute is a rare commodity.
I think that is probably why I look at any adventure that I do take outside of work as an investment in my business. That is the fun of Influencer Marketing. And that is why Groupon is such an amazing resource.
Money is tight a lot of the time and finding Groupon Deals in my area allows me to do things and go places that I may not be able to do or go to otherwise.
A couple years back, my wife and I found a great deal to Wildlife Safari, a drive-through animal park not too far away from us. Of course, I brought my camera. I definitely was not going to miss the opportunity of putting some groovy animal footage up on YouTube! We went with my brother-in-law and had a really great time.
Take a look at he video series right here:
Saving money is not only good stewardship but fun to do. I get a daily email from Groupon sent to my email box every morning so that I can peruse it for my next great adventure out. They also offer coffee shop deals, restaurant deals, hotel and resort deals, and tons more, but my focus is usually on the fun things to do. Life is far too short to miss out on grand adventures!
Take a look for yourself. Sign up. There's good times ahead for sure!